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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Search results for: prednisone

Prednisone for Dogs: Uses for Dog Cancer and Other Medical Conditions, Side Effects, Alternative Options, and More

…mix well with prednisone). HOW to give your dog prednisone. WHEN to give your dog prednisone. How to stop giving prednisone: The importance of stopping slowly rather than suddenly. Prednisone

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Collection: Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Life Quality

Prednisone for Dogs: When to Start with Lymphoma

Mary I’m confused. My dog’s oncologist also said that taking prednisone prior to therapy makes chemo less effective, but used prednisone after chemo was initiated. Are you saying that prednisone

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Choosing Treatments with Confidence | Lymphoma

Prednisone for Dog Cancer

prednisone suppresses it? That’s what has me so worried…I could of gave transfer factor time to work but my fear is the prednisone will cancel the benefits of it. ??…

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Collection: Articles | Chemotherapy | Choosing Treatments with Confidence | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Radiation | Surgery

What I Would Do for My Dog with Lymphoma

…to 6 months. In each cycle, the protocol includes vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and Adriamycin (doxorubicin). In the 1st cycle (usually the 1st treatment), the dog may also receive Elspar. Prednisone, a…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Chemotherapy | Found a Bump/Lump on My Dog | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Lymphoma | Radiation | Surgery | Your Role as Your Dog's Guardian

Lymphoma – what you need to know BEFORE you see the oncologist

…sounds great, right? Unfortunately, prednisone started first can interfere with chemotherapy and can trigger a mechanism called Multi Drug Resistance. In fact, pre-treatment prednisone has been demonstrated to be a…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Chemotherapy | Choosing Treatments with Confidence | Found a Bump/Lump on My Dog | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Lymphoma

Is My Dog Dying? Here Are Some Warning Signs and Symptoms

…it’s bound to happen. Each day is a blessing. He’s been on Prednisone. Amanda I cannot find myself to accept my sweet Mya’s passing. It all happened so very suddenly….

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Collection: Articles | Emotional Management | End of Life Care | Life Quality | Managing Pain | With Audio

Can I give supplements with Chemotherapy?

…we started the treatment. Our doctor feels we should give her a high dosage of Prednisone to get the swelling down and then put her back on the Prednisone oral….

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Collection: Articles | Chemotherapy | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 2: Nutraceuticals | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 3: Immune Supplements and Anti-Metastatic Supplements

When to Avoid Chemo for Canine Mast Cell Tumors?

…hopeful prognosis, but I wanted to ask whether preoperative prednisone could distort the mitotic index. Our dog had been on a low dose of prednisone for 10 days, ending 4…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Chemotherapy | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Mast Cell Tumors

Yunnan Baiyao for Dogs: Chinese Herb for Bleeding Dog Cancers

…just diagnosed with mast cell tumor and a hemangiosarcoma on her spleen measuring 6 cm. She is on 20mg prednisone a day in two divided doses, pepcid ac, benadryl 50mg…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 3: Immune Supplements and Anti-Metastatic Supplements | Hemangiosarcoma | With Audio

To Chemo or Not To Chemo?

…to the side effects of chemo that may not even work. Keeping our fingers crossed and praying that the prednisone and benadryl will keep the mast cells at bay for…

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Collection: Articles | Chemotherapy | Choosing Treatments with Confidence | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Prognosis | Working with Professionals | Your Role as Your Dog's Guardian

The Oncologist’s thoughts on mast cell tumors

…weeks now….they put him on cephalexon, mometemax (ear infection) and prednisone again. Now forward to yesterday. Tango has an obvious fever, not eating or drinking and not wanting a daily…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Found a Bump/Lump on My Dog | Mast Cell Tumors

Dog Cancer Surgery: What I’ve Learned So You Don’t Have To

…husband to bring her home, I decided after 4 wks. of antibiotics and prednisone to take her to an internist. She had a CT scan she was dx’d with squamous…

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Collection: Articles | Diagnosis | Found a Bump/Lump on My Dog | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | How Did This Happen? | Managing Pain | Managing Side Effects from Conventional Treatments | Surgery | Videos | With Audio

Bioflavonoid Quercetin has Anti-Cancer Effects

…if you are using prednisone or any NSAIDs. Or, if preferred by your veterinarian, you could reduce the dose of the anti-inflammatory, prednisone, prednisolone or NSAID to half or quarter…

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Collection: Articles | Chemotherapy | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 3: Immune Supplements and Anti-Metastatic Supplements | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 4: The Dog Cancer Diet

Pain Meds for Dogs: How to Manage Pain for a Dog With Cancer

…Guide) may cause an upset tummy or loose stools, especially if you don’t introduce them slowly. Prednisone, a steroid commonly prescribed to treat cancer, can cause ravenous hunger and thirst,…

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Collection: Articles | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Managing Pain | Your Role as Your Dog's Guardian

Mast cell tumor treatment: chemotherapy

…dog. Commonly used drugs include vinblastine, prednisone, Lomustine, and the new tyrosine kinase inhibitors, Palladia and masitinib (Kinavet CA-1). You can read more about all these drugs in the chemotherapy…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Chemotherapy | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Mast Cell Tumors | Radiation | Surgery

Diet for Dogs With Mast Cell Tumors

…and raw chicken necks. He is now on prednisone. What other therapies should I explore? Lynda Does this original topic mean to alter the Dressler Diet for Mast cell dogs?…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Found a Bump/Lump on My Dog | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 4: The Dog Cancer Diet | Mast Cell Tumors

Signs of Dog Cancer and Decompensation

…question is. Are you asking if prednisone is okay? It can be okay…everything has both desired effects and also side effects (not desired). I might be thinking of some of…

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Collection: Articles | Diagnosis | How Did This Happen?

More Melatonin and Dog Cancer

…lists. Also there is a compounded version of prednisone without the negative effects of prednisone but the same benefits. Best of both worlds–same positive effect, none of the negative effects….

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Causes | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 3: Immune Supplements and Anti-Metastatic Supplements | Life Quality

Predicting Chemotherapy Reactions in Dogs: MDR 1

…he first had a bleeding ulcer from 20mg 2x a day of prednisone and tetracycline that his vet put him on when i took him in because his glands under…

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Collection: Articles | Chemotherapy | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Managing Side Effects from Conventional Treatments

Food and Nutrition for Dogs with Mast Cell Tumors

…her entire leg was swollen, Vet did an x-ray to rule out fracture. Prednisone was prescribed. This was on a Saturday. Monday morning I brought her back because her entire…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 4: The Dog Cancer Diet | Mast Cell Tumors

Signs of Dog Lymph Node Cancer

…this year, she had 4 months of chemo (initially lumastine then cytosar and procarbazine). For the last month and a half only on prednisone, (we stopped chemo because of her…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Diagnosis | Found a Bump/Lump on My Dog | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Lymphoma

Mast cell tumor treatment: surgery and radiation

…not be removed! My Vet put him on Prednisone & said it was the best treatment! On 8/28/12 we had a Biopsy down which came back as MCT. 2 months…

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Collection: Articles | Cancer Type | Chemotherapy | Full Spectrum Cancer Care | Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 1: Conventional Treatments | Mast Cell Tumors | Radiation | Surgery

But Cancer Treatment at My Dog’s Age?

…to weeks left, if it was in fact the aggressive type of cancer. He was put on treatment of prednisone at this point. I opted not to seek a biopsy…

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Collection: Articles | Choosing Treatments with Confidence | Full Spectrum Cancer Care

Pain Management Update PLUS: Natural Pain Relief for Dogs

…unless your veterinarian wants to do it at full-strength and reduce the prescription anti-inflammatory, instead. Linda Socha I haven’t found anything in the website talking about low dose naltrexone….

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Collection: Featured | Managing Pain | With Audio

How to Give a Dog Pills: 23 Sneaky Treat Ideas

…these worked for your pup. And if you have another sneaky treat idea, tell us! Warm Aloha, Molly Jacobson Editor, The Dog Cancer Survival Guide Further Reading…

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Collection: Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 3: Immune Supplements and Anti-Metastatic Supplements | Life Quality

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