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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Full Spectrum Cancer Care

Honey the Dog Survives 5 Years Past Lymphoma Diagnosis, Passes Peacefully in Her Sleep

This True Tail comes from Lyn in New York City. Honey survived aggressive T-cell lymphoma five years past diagnosis!!

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Nobel Prize in Medicine

Nobel Prize in Medicine for Immunotherapy Could Help Dogs With Cancer

The 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to immunotherapy researchers — and what they found could help dogs with cancer.

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Sienna and Sierra — a True Tail

Peggy Benson of Jacksonville, Florida, tells her True Tail about Sienna’s dog cancer. This beautiful Golden Retriever with adrenal carcinoma endured a complicated surgery on her cancer journey, and ended up giving a gift beyond price to her beloved family.

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Is The Hammer The Tool For The Job?

How a flexible and vulnerable mindset can help us identify the problem correctly, and choose the right tool to solve it.

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But my vet has not heard of this….

Dear dog lovers, I have been deluged with comments that some vets out there, maybe even most, have not heard of many of the approaches to dealing with cancer that are beyond surgery, chemo and radiation. As a consequence, there seems to be a large “black box” as to what to do, how to arrive…

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