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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Reflections Four Days After Departure

Updated: August 27th, 2019

This post will be a little different.

I put my own dear Ginsu down four nights ago due to cancer.  Ginsu was a loved cat, not the usual subject of the Dog Cancer Blog. Yet loss is loss, and as a provider of information that sometimes involves coping with loss, I would like to give you some reflections that might help you, when  forced to deal with loss of a loved one.  I’ve always found the best wisdom comes from the trenches, after all.

Ginsu, thankfully, beat the odds, and hung on long after a textbook might have suggested.  But his passing was no less brutal, and the brutality of death is something worth mentioning.  For a lucky few, the passage of someone in your heart can represent something beautiful.  Yet for most, its finality can be spirit-crushing, especially during the passing and for the days following.

Sure enough, just as written in the Guide, my mind was clouded and it was difficult to think and function. But I took the steps prescribed for guardians myself, and was able to get some clarity. I had to guard the guardian and experience the sadness.

I heard from a very smart man long ago that the way to move through something is by “experiencing it away”.  We have to be controlled in this, and so I’ve  took it bit by bit, stopping what I am doing for a couple of minutes to shed some tears, then moving on to what’s next. This provides the salve that helps us to function during grieving.

I saw a thought in myself during this time. There was something not okay about the whole experience.  In other words, this was something that I had not signed up for and that was simply not right, unjust.  These were what they call preconscious thoughts, not quite easy to pinpoint as they were kind of floating in the background of the mind.  But they were there, and I feel that this “wrong” sensation is common in those coping with final departure.

And when something feels wrong, the natural thing to do is to find its cause.  Next comes doing something about what’s wrong. And here is where things get a little weird (and again, I am speaking from self-observation here, so these ideas may not apply to everyone’s experience).

Inside all of the grief is this current of addressing the injustice in front of us, somehow helping to soften the wrong-ness of it all.  So I noticed myself searching for a release valve to help fix the unfair situation. In my case, it was  a little life form, my dear Ginsu, who did not deserve to have his jaw broken by an invading tumor. What in the world did he do to deserve this?  Where is the justice in it?

A few things happened from these thoughts.  One was guilt.  This as many know is common during guardian grieving. Also, anger. As I watched myself I realized that I was trying to find a release from the unfairness, and was turning it on myself (guilt) or the outside world (anger).

It seems these are connected. In other words, our pet is experiencing undeserved suffering, which feels unfair, which needs a resolution, which has no resolution, which gets turned to “someone’s gotta pay”, which travels to ourselves as guilt and outside ourselves as anger.

Once I realized this, it helped me cope with what was happening.  Some call this a “handle”, which means you identify what’s going on so you can deal with it (handle it).  A handle allows you to move at least one of your two feet out of the mess.

Once some of the feelings grew softer, all that was left was a deep sadness, just a wound. And as this did what wounds do (hurts), it dawned on me that that this is the price of the joys of life. There is a cost to life, and it is only my inappropriate feelings of entitlement that make death feel unjust.

Another way to look at it is that humans often believe we, and our loved ones, have a right to be here, like a big cash prize that we expect to be free. No repayment expected, no abrasions of life tolerated.  Yet this was my delusion, created by my own simple and silly human way of only looking at a small piece of a much larger picture.

For me, watching this simple and silly idea fall apart was the root of the guilt, anger, and even sadness.  It was not just Ginsu leaving- it was also my silly idea of what is “supposed” to be.  And I have carried this over the years, and encountered it with other guardians in my veterinary practice and life.  But for the first time I can actually see it.

I read a quite wise thing once.  It sounds a little grim but it actually is not- it can be joyful.  The short point was this:  if we live with the deliberately continued recognition that we may die at any time, it changes everything.

As I am passing through Ginsu’s departure, this is the gem I’ve gained. And I pray as the weeks, months and years travel by, that I remember this advise to myself.

By the way, a simple new tip: look at pictures and any videos.  Go do it. It helps a lot through the whole thing.


Dr D





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  1. Penny on August 9, 2012 at 11:38 am

    I am so sorry for your loss Dr. Dressler and appreciate your words of wisdom from the heart. I lost my 12 year old Brittany to Nasal Adenocarcinoma just 9 short weeks ago and am still struggling with the loss my precious girl 🙁 Your book was a God send during the time of the discovery of this tumor, but sadly the Nasal cancers are a diff. thing to deal with. She was very anxious and was just not a great candidate for radiation so palative was really the only choice best for her… Though I would have done anything make her live forever for me. I pray your loss becomes easier to bear as time goes on and look forward to future updates and possibly books your author for us that love our fur babies like children.

  2. Suzanne Baker on August 9, 2012 at 11:37 am

    Dear Dr. Dressler,

    Your work and writings have helped so many of us so I hope that we, your readers, can help you a little by letting you know that you and Ginsu are in our thoughts as his little soul passes to the next realm, whatever that may be, and as you struggle with the pain of not being able to save him from the cancer that overtook his physical body. We just went through this a few weeks ago with our beloved cat, Danny, who was suffering from advanced oral cancer, which eventually consumed almost all the boney structures of one-half of his face. It was very hard to let him go and I have been fighting the same guilt you describe in your post so your sharing of your experience is particularly meaningful to me at this sensitive time. Even when we feel we have done the right thing by our companions in helping to free them from their pain and suffering that guilt tries to rear its uggly head. At this time I keep reflecting on what my wise brother said to me after the all too recent loss of another dear animal campanion…in trying to help me reconcile my guilt with my responsibility, he said “animals don’t understand suffering…”. Although I’m sure this statement could be debated in that we don’t know for sure what animals understand and how they understand it, the statement was offered in kindness and it has comforted me in carrying the heavy burden of making such a difficult decision as to put a loved one to sleep. Maybe you can find some comfort in the thought of this as well…

    My deepest sympathy,

  3. Alyssa on August 9, 2012 at 11:33 am

    Having lost my sweet Cairn Terrier, MacKenzie, to cancer last November, I feel your pain. I too escaped into her photos and videos. It is absolutely heart and soul wrenching to lose a beloved animal companion. However, I do not think they see death as we do – they see it as the next step. Only we humans see it as so final. Ginsu is no doubt around you still. Embrace the grieving, treasure the memories and pure unconditional love that our furry companions give us. Wishing you peace and calm as you adjust to your loss. Namaste.

  4. Natalie V. Belcon on August 9, 2012 at 11:25 am

    My Mocca passed away this morning. My heart is broken. I lost one the morning after this past Thanksgiving and the second 2 months later. She was diagnosed with thyroid/ lymphoma on December 09th 2011. Today is August 12 2012. She actually died from an enlarged heart and water in the lungs. I probably make no sense right now. Thank you for being a part of extending her life and making her comfortable and happy. She was going on three 45 minute trots every day until this past week. You gave us more time together and it means everything to me. I’ve been looking at pictures all day. I know it will get better.

  5. Joan on August 9, 2012 at 11:23 am

    So sorry to hear about your loss. I am new to your blog. My tripawd is sitting at my feet as I type. I have lost several dogs in my lifetime. Two things help me get thru the grief. (1) If the older dogs didn’t die, there would be no room for puppies, and (2) the homoeopathic remedy Ignatia Amara. This remedy helps with grief. When I go through grief, my thoughts keep circling and I can’t focus. Ignatia Amara takes just enough edge off the grief so that I can focus.

  6. Renae on August 9, 2012 at 11:22 am

    Thank you for sharing your personal experience in dealing with the loss of Ginsu. After losing Carmen two months ago, your words ring true in every aspect. A 14 year old rescue pom mix, Carmen lived 3.5 years after having her first mast cells removed due to your excellent advise. Your knowledge validated the actions of our local vet. and provided Carmen with a wonderful quality of life for the 6.5 years she belonged to us. May Ginsu’s life make an lasting change on your life, too.

  7. Peter on August 9, 2012 at 11:22 am

    Thank you for your email. I can so associate with all you have said, and I can feel the sadness and loss you have experienced. I am really touched by what you say, and the fact that there are people like yourself that feel so very deeply about loss of a loved pet, that makes me feel that I am not alone in this emotional state. I am struggling with my beloved German Shepherd who collapsed on 1 June as a result of a spleen bleed due to Hemangiosarcoma. The tumour was relatively small with no sign of any spread. It was well removed by a very talented vet, and Chart has returned to his old self. However I know the dangers of Hemangiosarcoma, and am going through all you have suggested in your book, and more. He is on Salvestrol, and I am very positive about it not spreading. I have followed many of your suggestions, but I realise that only time will tell. I am counting the days, and although my vet thinks that he has already passed the critical period, I believe that this may be more realistic after 6 months. All this, as I have experienced such emotional turmoil, and feel so much for what you and your family are currently experiencing. I can only say a huge thank you for what you have done to make this passage easier for all of us as well.
    Thinking of you and Ginsu.

    Kind regards
    Peter and Chart

  8. Karen on August 9, 2012 at 11:15 am

    Hi Doc, love to you during this hard time. May you soon lessen the grief and begin to celebrate your dear Ginsu’s life and memories.

  9. Deborah on August 9, 2012 at 11:12 am

    Dr D, my heart goes out to you and your family. It is so had to lose a very much loved pet, I think there are times they are more to us than perhaps a human because our pets give their love unconditional. I lost my boy to cancer last November, I followed your diet and I’m sure it gave him and I a few more weeks together and for that I am grateful. The pain does ease but never goes away, I shed a tear even now but they are tears of love, they show how much each and every one of my dogs and cats have meant to me and for those tears I am grateful.

  10. Chris on August 8, 2012 at 3:39 pm

    Thank you for your post. It is so heart felt and so on-the mark. I lost 2 of my furry gang back in December within a week of each other, one from advanced kidney disease and heart disease and the other from a complication after a surgery. What you described is what I went through to a T. My heart goes out to you and Ginsu and your family. No matter how many times you encounter losing a loved one, there’s always a deep sadness and it’s so hard. Photos and videos DEFINITELY help! I spent the first week after they passed on doing nothing but going through the photos and videos. I ended up putting together a photo book of each of them and it’s been so precious to have since. Their spirits always live on if no where else but our hearts. Thinking of you and Ginsu

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