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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Full Spectrum Cancer Care Step 4: The Dog Cancer Diet

Step four in Dr. Dressler’s five-step Full Spectrum approach to treating dog cancer is making changes to the diet.

Here’s the truth: we’ve been listening to hundreds of thousands of dog lovers since 2008, and MANY of them have told us that their dog’s health improved with changing the diet ALONE.

It may be the fourth step, but don’t think it’s fourth most important. ALL the steps are important!

Here are the many, many articles about diet and dog cancer:

Modified Citrus Pectin, Dogs, and Cancer

Modified citrus pectin, dogs, and cancer: This inexpensive, easy to give food product may offer powerful benefits to dogs with cancer.

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Soil Depletion and Nutrients in Your Dog

Trace minerals and elements have not gotten the attention they deserve for our pets’ health. For example, zinc, selenium and magnesium are all critically important for dogs fighting cancer for many reasons, among them immunity and resistance to drug reactions. One of the reasons this may be problematic is that many ill dogs have low…

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Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli and Cabbage in Dog Cancer Diet?

Is it safe to give dogs brussels sprouts broccoli and cabbage in dog cancer diets? Demian Dressler, DVM explains why it’s both safe and necessary.

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Oleic Acid, Red Meat, and Mammary Cancer

As readers of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide know, dogs who have not been spayed by their fourth heat run a higher risk for mammary cancer. (Spaying offers its own risks for other types of cancer, but that’s another post.) But other factors can contribute to canine mammary cancer, and some of these are not…

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Could Killing “Good” Bacteria Increase GI Cancer Risk?

Probiotics are linked to all sorts of necessary bodily functions. But do they really help to prevent cancer?

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Ginseng, a common Chinese herb, For Dog Cancer

Ginsing is a common herb used in eastern medicine, and is now being used for dogs by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. There is good reason for this.  Ginseng has some very definite effects that are real, and may help a dog with cancer.  I’d be thinking mainly of using ginseng for mammary cancers…

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Calcium in Dog Cancer

Calcium levels in your dog’s body can be  a tricky business. Like any medical care step, there are different sides of the coin that need to be looked at for your dog with cancer.  First, many dog lovers are feeding their dogs home made diets.  Since these dogs are not eating pieces of a carcass…

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Bioflavonoid Quercetin has Anti-Cancer Effects

Quercetin has been around for some time as it is a naturally occurring compound found in the peels of citrus, capers, certain herbs, onions, and grapes**. Quercetin is also found in the Chinese Scholar tree, one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Quercetin has some interesting and fairly potent anti cancer…

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Osteosarcoma, Cisplatin and Magnesium

Low magnesium may be a threat for dogs receiving chemotherapy. Magnesium is a mineral in the body that is needed for proper functioning of over 300 different enzyme systems.  A study was done on critically ill dogs, and over half were found to have low magnesium. Low magnesium levels increase the risk of toxic reactions…

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Abnormal Immunity and Cancer

Cancer is a very strange and horrible creature.  The disease in very similar in dogs and people, and this post will use information from human literature so you can apply it to your dog. There are several ways the immune system is involved in cancer. One of the problems afflicting cancer patients is their immune…

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Premature Fatty Acid Media Frenzy

A recent Dutch study has been published that is creating a large media ripple and alarm concerning the use of fatty acid supplements and cancer. The study showed that two specific fatty acids, when used in mice and in-vitro (in cells in a laboratory), can interfere with the effects of chemotherapy drugs. These fatty acids…

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Chubby Golden Retriever Has Less Cancer Protection

I was talking to one of my clients today in the exam room.  She owns an awesome Golden Retriever named Baloo.   Like his namesake in the movie “The Jungle Book,” Baloo is happy, friendly, goofy and….chubby. I started telling Baloo’s owner about the cancer rate in the breed. It is estimated that around 2/3…

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Herbs in a Dog Cancer Diet?

You would be amazed at what are in herbs. For all readers with a “conventional only” medicine approach (anti “alternative), read on.  You may be surprised.  For you “alternative only” people (anti “conventional”),  this will be right up your alley. For those of you with a rational, discerning, anti-bias viewpoint, congratulations.  You are a full-spectrum…

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The Inflammatory Diet and Cancer

It turns out that modern changes in our dog’s diets may have a link to cancer development. It is now known that cancer needs inflammation to start, and to get worse.  Inflammation is the process where body parts get red, swollen and painful.  If we get an injury, inflammation happens as the first step in…

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Latest on Dog Food and Cancer

Is there a link between dog food an cancer?  Many feel the answer is yes, and there is evidence to support this link. Today’s post will look at some of the newest thinking on dog food and cancer. First of all, a dog’s wild diet is quite different from that of a modern, commercial diet. …

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Calcium Tablets May Contain Carcinogenic Lead

Does calcium matter to a dog with cancer?   How about carcinogenic lead? Many dog lovers are feeding their dog The Dog Cancer Diet in The Guide, with very good results.  A dog with cancer has a unique metabolism that is totally different from a dog with no cancer. With this in mind, it is clear…

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Magnesium and Dog Cancer

The strategy of Full Spectrum Care is used in the Dog Cancer Survival Guide to take advantage of anything that is safe and effective to get an edge on dog cancer. This means we have to look not only at chemo, radiation and surgery, but also on all those other things that might help a…

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Help Metastasis with Flax Lignans

In the world of Full Spectrum care for dog cancer, we try to look for anything that gives us an edge.  This edge could be related to survival, life quality, decreasing treatment side effects, or finding something that just works better than the old way. This is a major goal of The Dog Cancer Survival…

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dog food and dog cancer

Dog Food: Is There A Cancer Risk?

Naturally, when we talk about the  cause of cancer, diet is brought up. Many will immediately poo-poo the notion that what is eaten can have an impact on cancer development.  It is amazing.  Watch the condemnation without investigation. On the other hand, many feel there is a link, and there is evidence to support that…

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Is High Protein Bad for Dog Kidneys?

Dog Cancer diet: Higher Protein Bad For Kidneys?

Time to bust another myth. How many of you have heard that “protein is hard on the kidneys?”  Well everyone, it is time for a reality check! This matters quite a bit for dogs with cancer.  Most of us with some interest in nutrition agree that there is sound logic that a high protein, moderate…

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Detoxification in Dog Cancer

One of the ways companies make money on cancer is by using words that sound great but mean little. “Detoxification” is one of them. Let’s take a closer look at this.  On the surface, getting rid of “toxins‘ is a good idea, right?  “Toxins” bad, “detox” good, correct? Well, sure, except nobody really knows what…

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Vitamin C and Dog Cancer Update

There is much talk on the use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), in it’s various forms, for cancer treatment in the “alternative” medical community. It’s use in conventional cancer care is routinely ignored. In the spirit of full-spectrum care and rational analysis, let’s take a closer look. Due to some interesting observations, focus on vitamin…

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Diet for Dogs With Mast Cell Tumors

Friends, Today’s post will likely be met with some skepticism from those immersed (and confined) to our Western medical approach.  So if this is your framework, please keep an open mind.  You will be pleased to know that the information here is taken from little known, but still Western, data banks. I have recently been…

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Osteosarcoma and Dog Food Link

Some new information for dogs at risk or afflicted with osteosarcoma is out that I would like to share. Osteosarcoma occurs in both dogs and humans, but is much more common in dogs. It is the number one bone cancer in the canine. A recent study found that eight widespread brands of dog food contained…

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End of Life Care in Dog Cancer

The end of life stage can be very hard on everyone. It often is gut-wrenching to see your dear companion start to say goodbye. Like any weighty decision, sometimes the emotions involved can paralyze our ability to choose. During these times it is so important to gain some clarity by seeking support in counselors, support…

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Astragalus: Immune Booster and More

I’d like to share some information taken from Traditional Chinese Medicine.  One of the important aspects of full spectrum care to improve cancer outcomes is investigating …  even when investigations lead outside the borders of our country. China has a long, well-developed, complex system of medicine. It is very different from what we are used…

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Vitamin D and Dog Cancer

Dog lovers will do anything they can to help their dog with a cancer.  And you should! This can be one of the hardest times anyone will face. Many times the effort helps, and other times it may not. This, of course, is not due to any ill intention on the part of the dog’s…

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Cancer spread, Flax and Dog Cancer

Flax is one of the oldest crops known to man.  Even the ancient Egyptians cultivated it extensively. These days, we don’t see it around much, except in health food stores or the supplement shelves in grocery stores. So why am I writing  about this stuff?  Well, flax has some handy properties that someone  who loves…

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Vitamin C for Canine Cancer Patients? Part 2

Well, it’s been 2 days since the lead-in entry on Vitamin C….which may (or may not) be a long time to wait 🙂  Anyway, here you go: As I had indicated, it turns out that if one were to take vitamin C, at huge doses by mouth, the blood levels you get are puny. When…

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Vitamin C for Canine Cancer Patients?

Many have heard of the Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling.  After winning the prize in chemistry in 1954, he went off on this tangent and decided to be the major proponent of vitamin C for health. Lots of people became pretty excited, and decided to see if Vitamin C did anything to cancer cells in…

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