True Tails from Others Who’ve Battled Dog Cancer
Updated: February 21st, 2019

Read inspiring “true tails” of people who’ve read The Dog Cancer Survival Guide and helped their dogs fight (and even beat) cancer.
Scroll down this page to read just a handful of the “True Tails” we’ve received over the years from readers of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, and please feel free add your own review of the book using the button below.
If you love to write and have a longer story to tell about your dog’s cancer journey, we would love to hear from you. We take submissions on the True Tails submission page. Telling your own story — and the story of your beloved dog — not only helps you, but also helps the thousands of readers every day who visit this blog for help with their dog’s cancer.
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We just lost our beloved pug, Sam (11 years old) . He was diagnosed Oct, 2011 with stage 4 mast cell cancer. Your cancer survival guide helped me every step of the way for the rest of his life. His survival was estimated 18 months and he lived 36 months. After reading you book, I chose not to have operations or chemo. I gave him APOCAPS and along with a very understanding vet he had many good months. After his death I gave the Vet. your book and she feels that the Apocaps helped prolong his life. Thank you for your guide book. Mine was well read and very helpful from diagnosis to the end of life for our Sam.
from his review on
As founders of, the world's largest community for canine amputees (most of whom are battling bone cancers) since 2006, we've reviewed many different books about canine cancer. Dr. Dressler and Dr. Ettinger's book, the Dog Cancer Survival Guide, is absolutely the most informative, comprehensive and useful book that we've seen.
The sad fact is, dog cancer is the number one disease killer for canines. Until there is a cure, we as pet guardians must serve as our dog's #1 health advocate. Whether or not our dog currently has cancer, this book is a must-have for us all.
Dr. Dressler's first edition of "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide" has been one of our most highly-recommended reading materials since it was first published a few years ago. The newest edition is even better and more comprehensive.
In a nutshell, here's why we think everyone with a dog should read this book. You'll learn:
* Why and how you should cope with your own emotions before embarking on your canine cancer research
* The latest discoveries about cancer's origins, treatments and cures, all written in an easy-to-understand format for the layperson
* All of the most promising holistic therapies that are proving helpful in treating dog cancer
* How to talk to veterinary professionals, friends and family about your treatment choices and what you're experiencing
* When to make end of life decisions and how to cope with grief
This 400+ page textbook is jam packed with the latest information about conventional treatments and helpful holistic therapies that anyone with any budget can pursue. You'll get a comprehensive description of different dog cancers and related treatments, as well as a thorough appendix filled with information about published dog cancer studies you can share with your veterinarian.
Dog Cancer Survival Guide's information is grounded in reality and doesn't make any promises that it will cure your dog's cancer. But Dressler's strong sense of empathy and wisdom extends a guiding hand to readers that's so desperately needed when faced with canine cancer. You'll feel empowered, hopeful, grounded in reality and ready to face whatever comes next with the same Zen attitude as your canine hero.
A big shout out goes to both docs for giving pawrents the layperson's first authoritative, empathetic and hopeful tool available for coping with canine cancer. Get this book today.
Rene Agredano & Jim Nelson
from her review on Amazon:
Having purchased Dr Dressler's first book which was great, I find this book well organized and very informative. If your dog has been diagnosed with cancer then self education is the key and this book will give you great information so that you can talk knowledgeably with your vet and come up with a plan of attack that will best suit your dog. Offer to share the book with your vet, we did with Dr. Dressler's first book. Our vet was receptive and read the book. After that we were able to come up with an informed approach to deal with a second Mast Cell Tumor. By working closely with our vet, we saved the expense and stress of radiation therapy (all that was offered by the oncologist vet) and Pebbles has had no reocurrance of the Mast Cell Tumor for two years. I can't thank Dr. Dressler enough for the infomation and his experience. Dr. Dressler saved our dog from a horrific option of radiation. If I had not read this book, I would not have been as well informed.
I've grown weary of losing so many of my best friends to cancer. With the diagnosis of lymphoma and a prognosis of four weeks if left untreated, I asserted the responsibility as guardian and primary advocate of my 11th Collie and insisted that our vet tell me: "If he was your dog, what would you do?"
His answer: "The Wisconsin 25-Week CHOP Protocol." We use the schedule on page 346, table 25-7, of Henry's "Cancer Management in Small Animal Practice," Saunders, 2009.
Dr. Ettinger's "Bottom Line" on page 307 also gave me hope when she wrote: "I rarely answer the question `would you treat this cancer, if this were your dog'... Yet, I make an exception in the case of lymphoma and readily answer `yes, I would treat this cancer, if this were my dog.' "
Our dental veterinarian told me: "If I were a dog and I had to have cancer, lymphoma would be my choice." Now entering the 14th week of this protocol, my 11th Collie is happy and his old self playing and running through the fields with my 12th Collie.
When the head of the Collie Rescue in Colorado (where I adopted my 12th Collie) suggested I look at "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide," I ordered the kit (PDFs, Apocaps, and video access) from Amazon. While awaiting its arrival, I downloaded the PDF version of the book and "The Dog Cancer Diet," and began reading.
I have not read "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide" cover to cover; probably never will, but my paperback copy is threadbare and worn. Gossamer pages - highlighted in yellow and noted in red - are falling out. I've read and re-read multiple times everything that applies to my Collie's cancer: lymphoma. I loaned the book to our veterinarian who is co-operative and open to its new ideas - for example, "chronotherapy and chemotherapy drugs," p139-140; and he assured me that he subscribes to other ideas - such as, giving an antihistamine before slowly administering Doxorubicin, p401.
"Five-Star Indispensable" is how I describe "The Dog Cancer Survival Guide." It anticipates readers' questions and offers suggestions with a common-sense approach - for example, Dr. Dressler's philosophy regarding supplements: that sometimes, some is better than none; and at other times, others are redundant while a few can cause problems. The term "Full-Spectrum" is a powerful adjective that raised my interest and expectations. Despite the possibility that the book might offer snake-oil remedies, Dr. Dressler and Dr. Ettinger didn't disappoint. They care about the reader. They care about the reader's dog.
Note: I've incorporated portions of the book's suggestions for all three of my Collies. Yes, Apocaps are expensive, but twice in fourteen weeks, Amazon has offered "three-for-the-price-of-two" specials. Considering the variety of supplements it includes, Apocaps deserves serious consideration as the primary supplement of the full-spectrum treatment.
Of the portions of the book I've read and ideas I've researched, 99.99 percent earn a rating of Five Stars. Until the next edition of the book is published, I can overlook the other .01 percent.
I purchased the first edition of the Dog Cancer Survival Guide in October 2009. At that time one of our Boxers (she was three years old) was diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumors (she had three removed).I was devastated, I had no idea where to turn to get help. We had the surgery performed to remove the tumors but had no idea what to do next. All I wanted was someone to help me do all that was possible for my beat friend.I found the Guide online and it answered all my questions and much more, it gave me a direction to go.
When I found out about the new Guide and that it was available I was elated.The first Guide was great however the new Guide is exceptional.The new Guide is so comprehensive covering from what now, your roll and mission, emotional management, all phases of cancer and causes, treatments, nutrition and so much more.
The first guide I used to learn all I could, and put in place a plan which included preparing vegetables, meat, and giving supplements and vitamins, digestive enzymes, reducing certain ingredients and adding certain ingredients. We exercise and play every day. It has been two years and to this day there has been no recurrence.
I can only believe that the Cancer Survival guide played and still does play an importain part of her outcome and recovery.I did, still do, and always will refer and review the information the Guide presents to me. It plays a major role in our daily life.
Enough cannot be said, this is truly a fantastic publication.
Thanks for everything,
Jon Marshall
In my years as a Veterinary Technician, I have seen the pain and suffering that cancer caused in our canine patients. And also would see the fear and uncertainty in the eyes and hearts of their owners. And while it was my job to help both the patients and owners, it wasn't until I faced the dreaded cancer in my own fur baby that I realized I too needed more information on how to fight cancer and in particular, Mast Cell Carcinoma. I was feeling overwhelmed and very much in the dark as to what would be the best way to treat and help Lucy, what hope was there, and what more could be done to combat this killer. That is when I got Dr. Dressler's first book, "The Coping Guide", and then his first edition of "The Dog Cancer survival guide" . Armed with these two great books, I took on the challenge and did not feel so lost or alone. By following Dr. Dressler's suggestions on supplements, and diet, and also using his cancer support supplement - Apocaps, I felt that I am giving Lucy a much better chance to survive than with just the conventional treatments at hand. That was two and one half years ago and our Lucy is still doing well and has remained in remission. And now with this newest edition of Dr. Dressler's book, the average pet owner has even more information to help them fight and win the battle.
Don't wait to get this book as knowing what to do before you are faced with cancer is the best approach. The layout of the book is great with chapters on the various types of cancers, conventional and alternative treatments, supplements, preventions, etc. Tragically at one point or another everyone will eventually know someone or be that someone who will need the information within this book. I keep this new edition close at hand for quick reference whenever needed.
My overwhelming grief when I got the news was clouding my decision making ability when I needed it the most: Chemo or no chemo?
It didn't take much reading at all to learn that CHOP Protacol is a good thing; the right choice, most of the time.
Chemo isn't always cruel and ugly.
My dog had 1-2 months; now she may have a year.
And she is happy, not sad, that my decision, much more informed thanks to this wonderful book, gives her more time.
More time to be with me, and I with her.
My grief is never too far from the surface, yet deeply embedded within my heart.
This book, which I refer to when I am sad, not when I want to be sad, lifts my spirits like no one can.
The best medicine for Indio, besides the chemo, is my strength.
The strength to smile when we look into each others eyes, when it's easier for me to cry.
My mask musn't be transparent; she lives to make me happy, and I can't let her down.
It takes a very good book to pull this off. To fool her; to trick her. To not let her know that anything is making me sad, in pain.
For what could be worse than our best friend having cancer must be our best friend with cancer being sad because we are sad.
What a shameful way to spend our only counted days together; the last days we will ever share together.
This book just does it all. The professional knowledge about cancer and chemo; and the vast array of insights, and some words of encouragement we need for the emotional roller-coaster that we must endure until, and long after, that day is here.
That day that has been on our mind no matter what: rain or shine, happy or sad, sick or well. The day that has cast an ugly gloom on the sunniest summers day. Like a filth that you can't shower away, or a pungent odor that is stuck in your nose, that you must breath in always, no matter what.
The day you always wondered how you would handle, and what life would be like afterwards.
The grief will be suffocating, nauseating, overwhelming.
But that day must come, for it is written in stone.
And we must handle it. For our life will go on, when theirs is done.
But then we can cry, and we won't need to hide it, anymore.
We can cry as the dagger pierces our heart, and the pain, that we have known for so long, can freely, finally, flow away.
And the scar that is left, the memory that is fresh, will ever so slowly become but a tender thought; a passing whisper of something too familiar, a part of our past that we must allow to be, because we can't say goodbye, that one more time.
This is what I'm going through, and I'm having a real tough time.
These thoughts and feelings, will be a part of, controlling, me for a year or so.
And I wouldn't be handling it without this book. It takes the bite, the razor sharp edge, the pain and fear, from my foremost mental function, and puts it on a pillow in my back bedroom.
I can avoid it for awhile, but from time to time, I must use that room.
And rest my head right on that pillow: confront it, talk to it. The thing I don't like. The thing that wants to control my life.
But I can come and go to and from that room when I must, when I can.
If you are looking at this book, chances are you are facing the devastating news that your beloved canine has cancer. I was there once, too, and thank heavens I was led to the 1st edition of this book. *Even if your dog does NOT have cancer, this is STILL a book every dog lover should own.* I was curious about how the 2nd edition would be different -- sure, a lot of information is the same, but it is extremely well organized with creative "sidebar symbols" which make the book a bit easier to navigate (and believe me, you'll read it over & over, since it is such a powerful resource). Cancer affects dogs just as it affects people, and the section on "What You Should Know About Dog Cancer" has a lot of info that applies to people, too. Another strength of the book is that it promotes "Full Spectrum Cancer Care", including insights about allopathic (traditional) treatments (with significant input from a vet oncologist) as well as valuable info about complimentary (alternative) treatments. There is no doubt that this book contains information your vet, no matter how accomplished, will simply not know about (who can know everything about every veterinary condition?, which is why you need this info from Dr. Dressler!).
If you are lucky enough to be looking at this book because you are simply interested in keeping your canine as healthy & hopefully cancer-free as possible, you will feel bolstered by new details about diet, nutrition, and supplements. I got this book because one of my dogs had cancer, but ALL my dogs will benefit from the education I've received about dog food, the immune system and end-of-life care.
I have shown this latest edition to some friends and relatives and all found it hard to put the book down (but I made them do it because I will not part with my copy). This book is easy to read & understand, but best of all, it will give you comfort, courage, strength & proven tools with which to better love your dog!
The future is upon us and this ground-breaking book is a vital cornerstone. In dealing with cancer, our worst illness, this Survival Guide is educational, logical, expansive, embracing, honest – and so needed.
The message of this book jumps off the written page and into the heart of every reader, and will become the at home bible for cancer care of dogs. The authors have given you a sensible and systematic approach that practicing veterinarians will cherish. I found the book inspiring and, clearly, it will become part of my daily approach to cancer therapy for my own patients.
Picking up The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is anything but a downer: it’s an ‘empowerer.’ It will make you feel like the best medical advocate for your dog. It covers canine cancer topics to an unprecedented depth and breadth – from emotional coping strategies to prevention – in plain English. Read this book, and you will understand cancer stages, treatment options, and types, and much more. If you have just had the dreaded news, pick up a copy and it will guide the decisions your dog trusts you to make.
I wish that I had had The Dog Cancer Survival Guide when my dearly beloved Flat-coated Retriever, Odin, contracted cancer. It would have provided me alternative courses of action, as well as some well needed “reality checks” which were not available from conversations with my veterinarian. It should be on every dog owner’s book shelf--just in case...
A comprehensive guide that distills both alternative and allopathic cancer treatments in dogs… With the overwhelming amount of conflicting information about cancer prevention and treatment, this book provides a pet owner with an easy to follow approach to one of the most serious diseases in animals.
Dr. Dressler and Dr. Ettinger have succeeded at the incredible task of writing a book that really helps pet parents who are struggling with the many decisions faced when their beloved animal has been diagnosed with cancer. Presenting and explaining both complementary and conventional medical options for the treatment of cancer in ‘one book’ is a giant step in the direction of ‘one medicine’ offering integrative medical choices to pet parents for the betterment of their animal’s health.
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is a great resource for pet parents whose dogs have been diagnosed with cancer. This easy-to-read book provides important information about canine cancers and discusses both conventional and holistic treatment options. Besides being informative, the book helps guide people as they navigate through a difficult and emotional path.
As a holistic dog care author, I knew exactly which experts to consult when my sweet Maltese Jiggy developed a large liver tumor. But even with advice from a top cancer specialist and help from a half dozen veterinary friends, I still had numerous questions. Exactly how should I adjust Jiggy’s diet? What supplements should I add? What else could I do to help him? I found the answers I sought and more in Dr. Dressler’s book. I was particularly impressed by the thoroughness of the information. The book is easy to read, but wonderfully complete. If your dog has cancer, I urge you to get two things: a second opinion ... and this book.
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is indispensable reading for any dog owner dealing with cancer… this book guides, supports and educates you!
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide is like a crash course in canine cancer for the layperson. It takes a bit of the mystery out of the dreaded disease by teaching some of the what, why, and how regarding cancer and cancer treatment. After reading it, you will be better equipped to help your best friend live life to the fullest, regardless of the prognosis.
Caesar was diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumor Grade/Stage III when he was just over a year old. We had a clean removal of the tumor from his inner rear thigh, and began chemo very shortly after. It was a very scary time, but we were fortunate to have a great vet who made some fantastic recommendations to a local pet store. The pet store owner made a recommendation to a lady who specifically deals with Boxers, and she recommended The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. We have recommended the guide to our vet and anyone we know who is going through this horrible process. Caesar has six month checkups and he is now approaching four years old. He has smashed most of the statistics out there and I directly attribute that to Dr. Dressler’s book, our support group and the diet he is now on.
Dr. Dressler’s book was the only comprehensive research I was able to find on this subject. I found it to be thorough when dealing with all aspects of cancer in dogs with a personal touch that made me feel that he was addressing me personally.

True Tails are stories submitted by readers of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide who want to share their story in order to support, nurture, and inspire other guardians dealing with dog cancer. Have your own True Tail to tell?