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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Must Subscribe: Dr. Sue Cancer Vet’s Awesome VLOG on YouTube

Updated: May 15th, 2024


Dr. Sue Cancer Vet YouTube channel is a must-subscribe if your dog has cancer or you deal with canine cancer in your work. Just plain awesome.

I’ve got an important recommendation for you today: If your dog has cancer, or if you are a veterinary professional who deals with dog cancer, you should definitely be following Sue Ettinger, DVM, ACVIM (Oncology) on her YouTube channel. Just click “subscribe” on the top of her page.

Dr. Sue Cancer Vet Is Awesome

I loved working with Dr. Sue while editing The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. She’s an excellent oncologist, of course, but just as important for readers of the book, she really, really cares about her patients, and by extension, we dog lovers. Her videos show her attention to detail and her clarity of thinking. Not only are they informative and packed with insight, but they are also well-produced. You can hear her well, you can see her enthusiasm, and the editing cuts out everything that isn’t needed, so you don’t have to wade through tons of “talking head” umms and ahhs to get to the good stuff.

Every video is packed with insight.

I learn something from every video she puts up on YouTube, and highly recommend her work.

Dr. Sue’s Favorite Cancer Supplements for Dogs and Cats

Here’s a video I just love, because it shows how Dr. Sue Cancer Vet matter-of-factly embraces an integrative approach to managing cancer. She’s an oncologist, but she’s not just conventional. Using any tool that works, no matter where it comes from, is the future, and it’s always great to see veterinary professionals on the cutting edge incorporating that attitude into their work.

Watch this to get just a little sense of how much fun she is to work with. Her optimistic, upbeat, knowledgeable mindset is contagious. I know that I need to remember this as I go through my own cancer journey with Kanga. And of course, her supplement advice (Apocaps CX, K9 Immunity Plus, Nordic Naturals fish oils, Pet-tinic for low iron counts, Yunnan Baiyao for clotting support, Probiotics, and RX Clay for diarrhea) is spot on!

When available, you can find these supplements or similar in our Amazon affiliate store:*

Of course, ALL of what she discusses should be used with your veterinarian’s supervision. As she always reminds us, she does not replace your veterinarian.

You should also follow Dr. Sue on Facebook!

Warm Aloha,

Molly Jacobson, Editor
The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

*We might earn a small affiliate fee through links on this page, but it won’t cost you anything. Please see our disclosure policy page for details.


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