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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Lumps On Dogs: When To Get Them Checked By A Veterinarian

Updated: August 23rd, 2021


Finding lumps on dogs is scary, but waiting to get them checked is a terrible idea. The sooner you know what it is, the better. Get the guidelines now.

lumps on dogs
When people find lumps on dogs, they often panic. It’s easy to assume the worst. And then we often avoid finding out more. But really: what should you do?

Get lumps on dogs checked by a veterinarian. ASAP. Most of the time the lumps are benign … but when they’re not, the longer you wait to get them checked out, the worse the situation becomes.

Watch and Wait Approach?

But what should you do when your veterinarian wants to “watch and wait” or flat out refuses to test those lumps for cancer?

Best case scenario: the lumps really are “nothing to worry about” and your dog is fine, just a little lumpy.

Worst case scenario: your dog has cancer, and misses a window of opportunity to get early surgery. Early surgeries are smaller (so less expensive) and, depending upon the location and cancer type, can often cure cancer.

This “watch and wait” attitude is something we’re hoping to turn around, because it’s not good for dogs, and it’s not good for dog lovers. For example, here’s a message our Dog Cancer Vet Customer Support team recently received:

I have an otherwise healthy labrador of 14 1/2 who has several lumps that her regular vet is unwilling to aspirate and against treating dogs for cancer entirely!  I hope that they are fatty lumps as suggested but my dog keeps drawing my attention to the largest lump and has been known to indicate breast cancer in at least one human.

Well this just makes my blood boil! A vet won’t aspirate?! How can this be when early detection saves lives! Why would a veterinarian choose to not check a skin mass? Especially when the dog’s guardian believes it’s necessary?

Not even the most experienced veterinarian can look at or feel a mass and know if it is cancer or not.

We must sample lumps, and evaluate the cells under a microscope to determine what they are. There is no other way to know whether a lump is benign or malignant.

Your veterinarian must perform a fine needle aspirate and/or a biopsy to make an accurate diagnosis. If your vet won’t do it, then find a vet who will.

How to Find and Track Bumps on Dogs

I’ve developed an excellent “skin map” for you to use during monthly head-to-toe exams. You can find it on my website.

Here’s a good video where I show you exactly what you should do every month with your own dog. Check your dog monthly for lumps and bumps:  

If you find a lump that is 1 centimeter (the size of a pea) or bigger, and it has been there for more than 1 month, get it checked.

Your veterinarian will almost certainly do a fine needle aspirate.

Fine Needle Aspirates for Lumps on Dogs

Aspirates are important and can help identify many types of tumors. They’re also quick, just a tiny needle inserted in the lump, and they aren’t expensive and don’t require anesthesia.

I know, it’s scary to think that the lump can be cancer.

But the sooner we determine whether a mass is cancerous and should be removed, the better for your pet. Most skin and subcutaneous (just under the skin) tumors can be cured when diagnosed early, when masses are small.

But do you really not want to know? Many dogs and cats have lumps and bumps, and not all of these masses are malignant (cancerous) tumors.

In fact, most tumors are benign (not cancer).

So if you find a lump while petting your dog, or your vet finds one during a physical exam, don’t just monitor it. If you See Something, Do Something.


See Something, Do Something

“See Something Do Something” is a set of guidelines I am developing with my colleagues at VCA Hospitals to help guardians and veterinarians figure out what to do when they find lumps on dogs skin, or just under the skin.

See Something: When a skin lump is the size of pea or larger or has been present for one month,

Do Something: Aspirate or biopsy, and treat appropriately.

A pea is about one centimeter, or about half the diameter of a penny. Why so small? When masses are removed early, the prognosis can be excellent, with no additional treatment needed after surgery.

But to limit the number or surgeries, we must get a diagnosis with cytology or biopsy early and before removing a tumor. This will lead to an improved outcome for your pet. A single surgical procedure can cure your pet for the majority of tumors. This is especially true for benign tumors, and some cancers that are only locally invasive (those that don’t spread or metastasize to other parts of the body).

Benign Tumors

Benign tumors may not need to be removed immediately. The location of the mass on your pet’s body should be considered. Will an increase in growth in this location prevent successful surgery? Is the mass causing pain, irritation, secondary bleeding or infection? Unless the answers to these questions are yes, you may not need to do surgery at all. Your veterinarian will be able to help you figure this out for each benign tumor.

Malignant Tumors

But if the mass is malignant, the first surgery is your pet’s best chance for a cure. Therefore your veterinarian needs to know what the tumor is before it is removed.

What is the danger of waiting too long?

Larger masses are more difficult to remove!

This is especially true for masses on the legs, head and neck area, and for smaller pets.

Over time tumors are likely to increase in size making them more difficult to remove and/or they may metastasize (spread) to internal organs. A larger mass is also more likely to need additional therapy after surgery, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, to prevent recurrence.


Smokey’s story

I wrote a blog about my nurse’s dog, Smokey that you should read. Smokey was an amazing white Pitty (aka Pit Bull), and I adored him. (Smokey is no longer with us, but did not die of his cancer but other medical issues later on.)

I had aspirated MANY skin masses on Smokey over the years. And the masses had always been benign fatty deposits, lipomas.

But then one day when Smokey came in for his routine lipoma check, it wasn’t a benign lipoma. This one was a malignant cancer. And the now five centimeter connective tissue cancer required a very large and complicated surgery to get the important wide and clean margins.

(The tumor was a soft tissue sarcomas. These have tentacle-like projections, so these tumors require three centimeter, more than an inch, margins around the tumor, and a tissue layer below. That is a really big surgery: for a five centimeter tumor, the resulting scar should be at least eleven cm, or about 4.5 inches.)

In hindsight, if we had aspirated this earlier when the mass was one centimeter, Smokey’s surgery would have been much smaller.

Stay Vigilant About Lumps on Dogs

So just because your dog has had multiple lipomas or other benign masses in the past, don’t get too relaxed. Stay vigilant and have those lumps and bumps aspirated. It’s not a big deal for the dog, and it is worth knowing what you’re facing.

Remember, no one — not a vet, not an oncologist, and not you — can tell what a lump is just by feeling. And “watching and waiting” is not a good idea. Get the masses aspirated. Don’t assume it’s just another lipoma. The earlier we find tumors, the better.

With early diagnosis, less treatment will likely be required, and a smaller surgery may be curative. This means cost, a better prognosis, happier pets, and guardians too!

See Something, Do Something!

Live longer, live well,

Dr Sue

PS: Dr. Dressler wrote about this years ago and his post is useful. I Found a Lump on My Dog


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  1. Susan Kazara Harper on November 3, 2014 at 6:52 pm

    Hi Donna, Well that sounds like a very good result. The wide margins and follow-up testing is very promising. That said, I hate to get comfortable with the idea of cancer being cured. I’ve had two dogs with cancer. Thankfully we exceeded both prognosis, and my second boy was over 4 years cancer free when he passed at the age of 16. However, we remained vigilant throughout. I don’t mean that we remained in fear of the cancer returning, but in my mind, all it takes is a couple of cells, and it would be silly to get comfortable and think we were in the clear. Staying vigilant includes regular checked, the best possible cancer diet nutirition and possibly great nutraceutical support with apoptogens. Apocaps could be well worth considering … the recommendation is when we get a year “cancer free”, meaning no symptoms, the dosage can be reduced to about half. But the apoptogens can help the body push back any cancer cells that may try to take hold. You don’t say your dog’s age, but just like people, animals become less able to fight off dis-ease as they get older. I believe they need all the help our love can give them. Good luck. I truly hope you have seen the last of the mast cell. Give your boy a cuddle from all of us.

    • Donna Challender on November 5, 2014 at 12:26 pm

      Thank you Susan. My question is still, is it possible for a high grade (3) tumor to be removed and it to be curable of mast cell cancer? He started itching one year prior. How long does a mast cell cancer need to be there to be deemed a high grade (3)? Our oncologist at the University of Penn do not support supplements or a particular diet.

      • Susan Kazara Harper on November 5, 2014 at 6:20 pm

        Hi Donna, I’m sorry if I didn’t address your questions fully. Is it possible? Yes. If there is no metastasis and all the cancer has been surgically removed, and the dog is vibrant to rebound from the surgery and treatment, and is supported with ideal nutrition etc. needed to remain robust, yes, it’s possible. Vets generally do not consider cancer curable so I can’t give you any data. I also do not have stats on how long it takes a cancer to reach stage 3. I’m not aware that anyone could track that, as each case, each dog is invidual and cancer cells are erratic. Not every oncologist will follow the same protocol or have the same experience or beliefs either. It’s not black and white, although it would be nicer for us if it were. Just remember, you know your dog better than anyone, and that includes those who are expert in the disease. The decisions are all, ultimately, yours. And your dog wouldn’t have it any other way.

  2. Donna Challender on November 3, 2014 at 10:06 am

    Our dog had a high grade (3) MCT removed from his abdomen in July. Before surgery they did an US of his abdomen and urinary tract (for another issue we were worried about) No abnormalities could be found. They xrayed the chest as well and did a CBC with chemistry. Everything was normal. It was removed with wide clean margins. The report came back high grade (3) with a mitotic index of 15. We elected to do Vinblastine Chemo. Before chemo started they aspirated the lymph node closes to the MCT that was removed. There was Mast Cells but they were not degranulated within the node and they felt they were there as a reactive process from the surgery. He was placed on Benadryl, Prednisone and Pepcid during his time in chemotherapy. 1/2 way through the Vinblastine sessions they US the lymph again but found it to be too small to aspirate. Upon completion of the chemo, they once again did a US and found the same. They have said based on that final exam that he is mast cell cancer free. They took him off of benadryl, pepcid and prednisone (that was weaned down). My question is, is it possible to have a high grade MCT removed and for the surgery to be curable? Because it was a high grade with a mitotic index of 15, does that mean it was growing on him for a while. His itching started one year prior to finding the tumor. Thank you.

  3. Diane Elizabeth Cooper Satt on October 15, 2014 at 7:50 am

    my vet is removing the lump and sending it to the lab does this mean cancer

    • Susan Kazara Harper on October 16, 2014 at 2:10 pm

      Hi Diane,
      This means your vet is doing a great job for you by wanting to know what you’re dealing with. Too many people and vets still work on the old advice of ‘wait and see’. Wait and see what? No, get it checked out now. It could come back benign, and you’ll breathe a sigh of relief. If it comes back positive for cancer however, take a deep breath and don’t panic. Find out what it is, and the stage, which helps indicate how far it may have spread. If you search ‘biopsy’ in this blog, you’ll find some good posts to help you get an understanding of the language and procedures used. Please don’t waste your time worrying; that’s a prayer for what you don’t want. Get the results and move forward. Any lump is scary, and maybe it’s just a wake-up call to really look at nutrition and other support. Good luck!

  4. DogMom on June 24, 2014 at 6:24 am

    One of our female Alaskan Malamutes had less than a pea-sized lump which the vet aspirated and apparently “spilled” the cancerous cells into her body. The tumor ballooned and then the cancer spread like wild-fire. How do you ensure these aspirations don’t do more damage than good?

  5. Susan Kazara Harper on June 16, 2014 at 4:21 am

    Hi there, Yes, fine needle aspirate are not very conclusive so it’s very difficult to get a full diagnosis. The best course of action is a biopsy, where part or all of the lump is taken out, and the tissue sent to the lab. This has multiple advantages. 1) Best chance for a diagnosis, 2) In the best case scenario the entire lump can be removed with clean margins, 3) An aspiration still involves sedation and surgery, and this may lead to a second surgery to get more, or get it all. This doubles expense for you and stress to your dog. Whenever possible, biopsy is best. I hope this helps.

  6. Sam2001 on June 10, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    Ours does check, and rechecks if there is growth. They are measured and her body chart is updated. Thus far… our 12 year old Lab-Pointer mix is “lumpy” but benign.

    She has had some removed, but the last surgery took too much out of her. She went from spry active senior, to easily tired senior quickly. Unless it is a necessity, we are no longer going to do removals.

    • Susan Kazara Harper on June 11, 2014 at 2:22 am

      Hi Sam, Thanks for your voice of experience. All of this helps. And well done for keeping track of the various lumps and bumps. Have you taken a look at EverPup? Your 12 year old would love it. EverPup is the ultimate daily nutraceutical Dr. Dressler designed to ‘keep healthy dogs healthy’. It also contains lower doses of the dietary apoptogens which are in Apocaps. This helps the natural process of apoptosis, natural cell death, which we want for ourselves and our dogs. You can find out more at, and the EverPup Club is a great way to ensure you don’t run out. Give that lovely senior a hug from all of us.

  7. raavenswing on June 10, 2014 at 9:27 am

    Excellent article Dr. Ettinger, when my dog’s vet would not aspirate
    some lumps on my older dog and kept pushing me to vaccinate although he
    had hypothyroidism, I changed vets.
    I would also lik to know your
    opinion on Zeuterin and cancer. I just can’t understand how people think
    this is in anyway humane and won’t cause side effects.
    thank you

  8. Hopeful_still on June 10, 2014 at 8:12 am

    Our Vet offered to do an aspirate, but told us that MSU Vet hospital in east lansing (Michigan State University Veterinary college) will not diagnose based on a fine needle aspiration. 🙁

  9. Steph L on June 10, 2014 at 6:20 am

    I agree with Dr Ettinger: If your vet won’t do it, then find a vet who will.
    and that’s exactly what I would have done but the dog is 14 1/2 years old. Could age be a factor in the doctor’s decision? Did the owner ask her Vet WHY he/she would not do it?

  10. Barb on June 10, 2014 at 2:06 am

    This is an excellent article with concrete suggestions and solutions. Thank you.

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