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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

DogCancer.TV: Kinavet-CA1® and Dog Cancer- What You Need to Know

Are you familiar with Kinavet-CA1® for dogs? Dr. Ettinger and Dr. Dressler discuss the use of Kinavet-CA1®, an FDA approved drug for dogs, as a chemotherapeutic treatment for dog cancer. Click play.

Transcript of: Kinavet ® CA1 and Dog Cancer- What You Need to Know

James Jacobson: A recent drug that has been approved by the FDA for dog cancer use is a drug called “Kinavet”. We’ll ask you Dr. Ettinger, tell us a little about Kinavet.

Dr. Susan Ettinger: So, Kinavet is in the same class of drugs such as Palladia. So, they’re both secret inhibitors. So, they’re both in this a new evolution of anticancer drugs called targeted therapy. What’s interesting and exciting about Kinavet is that, if your dog was on palladia and has developed a resistance or is not tolerant to it, you could try to other one. They have slightly difference, the effect and receptors. So, again there is reason to think that if your pet is resistant to one and you can try the other and it may still have some efficacy.

James Jacobson: Now, I understand that, one of the things you have to be watched out for if your dog is on Palladia, you have to be very careful in terms of picking up and using a glove when you pick up the dog’s waste. Is that the same with Kinavet?

Dr. Susan Ettinger: Yeah, and with both of them I do recommend common sense precautions that you just want to use a glove. Both of the medications are coated, so when you’re giving, or when you’re administering the medication to your dog, you don’t actually have to wear a glove. But I always advise the owners to have those gloves right by. So, if your dog spit some medication out put the gloves on then pick up the medication and try to give it back to your pet, because once the saliva gets on it the seal will be broken. But I do recommend on why your pet is on either one of these anticancer therapies and you’re cleaning up their pee, their poop, or they vomit in the house, so you wanna wear gloves and then wash your hands afterwards.

James Jacobson: Dr. Dressler.

Dr. Demian Dressler: It is important to try to protect yourself. Remember also to never break, open, or split chemotherapy tablets because the powdered gets aerosolized and that means it goes up in the air even if you may have seen it with your naked eyes but there can be microscopic bits of chemotherapy drug flying around. This is very important for pregnant women and also for people who have immune compromise, AIDS patients and also a cancer patients as it turns out human cancer patients, also hepatitis patients, and of course young children. So, do protect yourself in the way that Dr. Ettinger said because limiting exposure is very prudent.

James Jacobson: Two new drugs available for dog cancer, talk to your Vet, talk to your Oncologist about that. Dr. Ettinger in New York, Dr. Dressler in Hawaii. Thank you so much for being with us.

Dr. Susan Ettinger & Dr. Demian Dressler: Thank you.

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