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Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Sue Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), authors of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide

Perianal and Anal Sac Tumors

Updated: September 28th, 2017

There were many studies, articles and books Dr. Dressler and Dr. Ettinger used when writing The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. Here is a list of the most important references about perianal .

Please note that in vivo and clinical use citations were included whenever possible. We have also include links to the papers, where available. Most of the papers are found on the National Institute of Health’s online library, PubMed.

Perianal and Anal sac tumors. Higginbotham ML, in Henry CJ, Higginbotham ML (ed): Cancer Management in Small Animal Practice. Missouri. Saunders Elsevier 2010, p 330-332.

Perianal Tumors. Turek MM, Withrow SJ. Withrow SJ, Vail DM (eds): Withrow & MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology. St Louis Missouri, Saunders Elsevier, 2007, pp 503-510.

Anal sac tumors. Chun R, in Bonagura JD, Twedt DC (ed): Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV. Missouri. Saunders Elsevier 2009, p 382-384.

Adenocarcinoma, Anal Sac. McNeil EA, in Cote E (2nd ed), Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. Missouri, Mosby Elsevier, 2011, p 36-37.

Adenoma/Adenocarcinoma, Perianal. McNeil EA, in Cote E (2nd ed), Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats. Missouri, Mosby Elsevier, 2011, p 39-40.

Perianal adenocarcinoma in the canine male: a retrospective study of 41 cases. Vail DM, Withrow SJ, Schwarz PD, Powers BE. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 26:329, 1990.

Hormone-dependent neoplasms of the canine perianal gland. Hayes HM, Wilson GP. Cancer Res 37:2068, 1977.

Adenocarcinoma of the apocrine glands of the anal sac in dogs: a review of 32 cases. Ross JT, Scavelli TD, Matthiesen DT, Patnaik AK. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 27:349, 1991.

Canine anal sac adenocarcinomas: clinical presentation and response to therapy. Bennett PF, DeNicola DB, Bonney P, et al. J Vet Intern Med 16:100, 2002.

Carcinoma of the apocrine glands of the anal sac in dogs: 113 cases (1985-1995). Williams LE, Gliatto JM, Dodge RK, et al. J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:825, 2003

Late complications of pelvic irradiation in 16 dogs. Anderson CR, McNiel EA, Gillette EL, et al. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 43:187, 2002.

Clinical stage, therapy and prognosis in canine anal sac gland carcinoma. Polton GA, Brearley MJ. Vet Intern Med 21:274, 2007.

Identification of parathyroid hormone-related protein in canine apocrine adenocarcinoma of the anal sac. Rosol TJ, Capen CC, Danks JA, et al. Vet Pathol 27:89, 1990.

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related protein, PTH, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in dogs with cancer-associated hypercalcemia. Rosol TJ, Nagode LA, Couto CG, et al. Endocrinology 131:1157, 1992.

Cryosurgical treatment of perianal gland adenomas in the dog. Liska WD, Withrow SJ. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 14:457, 1978.

X-irradiation of perianal gland neoplasms in the dog. Morgan JP, Carlson WD. J Am Vet Med Assoc 143:1227, 1963.

Surgery of metastatic anal sac adenocarcinoma in five dogs. Hobson HP, Brown MR, Rogers KS. Vet Surg 35:267, 2006.

Postoperative radiotherapy and mitoxantrone for anal sac adenocarcinoma in the dog: 15 cases (1991–2001). Turek MM, Forrest LJ, Adams WM, et al. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology. 1:94–104. 2003

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